Saturday, March 14, 2009

Project Look-a-Like

One of the perks of my job is the ability to see a majority of the corporate workforce on a daily basis...this not only allows great networking but the means to pursue my pet project...Project Look-a-Like.

While I won't post any pictures of my co-workers, so far I have found mirror images of Gary Busey, Devin Sawa, Edna Mode (from the Incredibles) and the brown haired guy from Reno 911. Recently I came across my first celebrity/celebrity look-a-like...see for yourself:

Robert Pattinson v. CT from the Real World

Lastly, Katie always gets told she looks like Uma be the judge:

Do you know anyone that looks like a celebrity? Let's see what kind of list we can come up with...leave a comment.

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