Friday, February 27, 2009

"Give me my keys you little bitch"

I have had this voicemail saved on my phone for nearly two years because every two weeks when it prompts me to re-save or delete it I listen to it and laugh. Finally I have a new medium in which I can share what is the funniest voicemail I have ever received. Here is the message word for word...

"Hey Trevor sorry you didn't get my call....your going to be fucking sorry you didn't fucking return it to give me my keys you little bitch. You're with Courtney right now...dude it's such a bullshit move you're pulling dude. Some of us actually have, like you know, beds to go to and sleep in.........seriously, seriously dude, you've got to fucking call me back...its really.....FUCK you dude!!! Mainly that bitch you are with...I fucking hate Courtney and you can fucking quote me on that verbatim....I fucking hate that bitch. Its 2:35am, seriously I'm so aggravated right now AAHHHHHH GOD!!!! DUDE!!!!! Oh ya, my number is (510) - 710XXXX....alright bye.

Despite his harsh language, the caller is actually my friend and I never actually had his keys. I ignored his calls all night until the next day when he called to tell me he had his keys all along. I think we now know who the bitch was that had his keys :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twackle...sounds like slang for a hidden body part

I just can't comprehend how Octagon + Twitter = Twackle...I think I must have missed some algebra in my English classes. Where the hell does the 'ckle' letter combination come from? This is almost as confusing as geometric proofs; therefore, just like middle school geometry I will just have to agree to disagree.

Anyways, Twackle is Octagon's response to Twitter's growing popularity and their answer to more sports driven content. Good idea...not sure about their implementation.

I want soccer feeds from credible sources...not random girls who think they know more about Manchester United then I do (shout out to J). I don't need BDogg to tell me "the Suns are getting worked over by the Lakers nba lakers suns," not to mention an invitation for terrible grammar and excessive words. Give me scores, give me details, and give me expert critique...if I wanted nonsense I would be a Mormon.

Octagon, I thought you could do better.

Here is the link to the article...

***Note: I did not mean to offend any Mormons...that religion is just something I will never understand...can we agree to disagree?***

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why do I feel awkward blogging?

This is my first official leap into the world of blogging and I must say it's kind of addicting, terribly time consuming, and much harder than it looks. I don't like to talk just to hear my own voice so this seems rather contradictory. Maybe words are different...