Today I was lucky enough to be in the presence of Michael Jordan, one of the greatest athletes of all time and without a doubt a global icon for sport and competition. Before I entered the auditorium I knew today was going to be one of those days I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Campus was buzzing for the first time since the massive layoffs that devastated our corporate utopia and people were looking for a glimmer of hope for the future…there couldn’t have been a better guest to do just that.
Employees began lining up 3 hours before the event and it was miracle I was not only able to get into the auditorium but 3 rows from “Black Cat” himself…props to D Kels. The event was funny (Charlie Murphy), insightful (Phil Knight), uplifting and inspiring (MJ).
Jordan might be the first person I’ve seen first hand who commands the room with a presence that lets you know he’s badass without him saying a single word. He was composed, articulate, and passionate…everything you look for in an idol.
One of the many things he said that was pertinent to my life at this moment was the following (far from verbatim but something like this):
“Everyone has doubters in their lives…if you aspire to be great you have to recognize but ignore them”
What a memorable day and a great way to jump-start my career at Nike.